Why is PureLift Face the best non-invasive facelift product?

Why is PureLift Face the best non-invasive facelift product?

Non-invasive facelift (Rhytidectomy)

In an age valuing youthful look, our face has under ever more pressure to maintain this appearance and to make sure that the age we feel is the age we look. Sometimes our face fails us, which is when we look for aids to help us be who we truly are, meaning we want to project the image of a young, energetic and confident individual both at work and during our leisure time. This is why non-invasive facelift procedures (Rhytidectomy) are becoming ever more popular in our society. Facelift procedures don’t have to be invasive and expensive.

Face-lifting techniques

Of all the face-lifting techniques, the non-invasive one has been the most sought-after recently and one device promises to deliver excellent results – PureLift Face. It is an elegant device, small and portable, ergonomic and gentle to your face that provides you with much stronger microcurrent than other manufacturers of similar devices use, incorporated in the all-new Triple Wave technology which not only penetrates the dermis, it goes even deeper, stimulating your muscles.

Mimicking the current naturally produced by our bodies, PureLift Face produces random pulses of microcurrent, which reaches deep into the muscle making it to contract and relax. This not only improves the muscle tone but the stronger muscles give your skin a much stronger framework. PureLift's microcurrent also promotes the creation of a compound called ATP, which improves the cells' energy production, increases blood flow and induces healing. The Tripple-Wave technology goes beyond this and exercises your facial muscles directly activating them.

The device’s working frequency between 1,300 and 1,700Hz is over 1,300 times stronger than in ordinary microcurrent devices operating on 1-8 Hz frequency ranges. This, in turn, allows PureLift Face to penetrate much deeper and using the triple-Wave technology it makes your skin more permeable to the stronger frequency allowing it to reach deeper without any discomfort.

Not only that but as our bodies are prone to adaptation when exposed to a constant stimulus, rendering other devices ineffective, PureLift Face can modulate the pulse and its duration through a special waveform allowing it to work non-stop without adaptation. This technology will make your face feel tighter and brighter days after only one ten minute use.

The fact that it has a built-in battery means you can take it with you and have your treatments on the fly. PureLift requires only a USB cable, which can be plugged into either your smartphone charger or even your computer. 

Check now PureLift Face device and gadgets

PureLift Face's differentiating Triple-Wave technology promises a deeper muscle workout and stronger skin frame elevating your face muscles giving you a healthy glow. With five minute treatments on each side of your face, the device is suitable to everyone – those with busy schedules as well as those with more free time on their hand – all it takes is a short break.

The PureLift Face device is the go-to device when it comes to saggy skin on your face and wrinkles that come with age. It provides instant results, visibly tightened skin and fewer wrinkles even after the first use. 

Check this product now or buy only approved USB cable for PureLift Face!

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